Fishing Spinner component counts and Noise
a) To gaze fixedly; esp. with eyes wide open at fishing lures!
I was that enthusiastic kid that loved to fish; first with bait, then lures, then some flies, now lures again. When I got to the local hardware store's fishing racks, I certainly stared and gazed fixedly (just sayin...). We all scan the lure choices, over and over again; searching for the perfect color, a new blade, a style that we may not have.
Many times I'd settle on a proven favorite, something I may have lost; something I felt comfortable replacing with my hard earned money. Many times I left without a purchase. Spinner choices were limited back in the day, in central Wisconsin. The hungry brook trout, on the other hand, were plentiful in the Rib River.
After a few years I became accustomed to the choices available and experimented less, sticking with my proven favorites; when I lost a lure I replaced it to re-supply.
Growing up in Wisconsin, I saw Mepps French spinners in the local hardware store.
I immediately grew to like fishing with spinners. They gave me a way to cover more distance, to see, smell, and hear more nature. Moving through the woods from fishing hole to fishing hole and also the white water rapids in between the holes was awesome fun. I still fished bait because I loved to catch night-crawlers! At night after a light rain or a heavy dew we'd be out with our flashlights crawling around getting dirty, trying to be quicker then the worms and stock our wormbox. We didn't mind digging for worms but the night-crawlers were more fun!
Fishing with spinners became my summertime passion. Over time, I began to prefer spinners, over bait. I never minded getting my feet wet, and fishing streams in deep brush always provided an opportunity for a splash or two (a habit that's endured the years). Later after leaving Wisconsin, I discovered Panther Martin, then Blue Fox Vibrax and now days, Fish Creek Spinners. Granted, I design and make Fish Creek Spinners, so what would you expect me to say!

My life's experience fishing with spinners has taught me a few things about them. Life has taught me a few things about my purchasing habits as well (but that's a different story!).
On the spinner fishing experience, what I have recognized is that you want 'Noise on the Line'.
More components = more noise on the line = more fish attraction.
That said, here's my summarization of popular spinner component counts. I picked what I thought was the most popular model for several familiar companies (my old favorites or more familiar models in my opinion). Then, with the noise on the line argument on my mind, I counted components.
Panther Martin = 6 components; imported by Harrison Hoge from Italy, recently China
Mepps Aglia = 9 components; imported by Sheldon's, Inc. from France
Abu Reflex = 6 components; imported from Sweden by Abu Garcia
Blue Fox Vibrax = 8 components; Made in USA, Minnesota
Wordens Roostertail = 6 components; Made in USA, Washington
Fish Creek Spinners Armadillo = 14 components; Made in USA, Colorado
Fish Creek Spinners Paddlefish = 18 components; Made in USA, Colorado
The more components on an inline spinner, the more noise there will be during rotation, as the blade rotates, collides and grinds against the spinners body parts, the more the better.

In the case of the Armadillo, you'll notice wear marks on the inside of the blade, where the metal discs have worn contact lines. Those wear marks don't come without vibration under the water and vibration attracts fish.
Swing blade 1/8oz Glass Armadillo Three models (F102, F117, and F122). Chattering noise profile caused by the blade. Swing blades spin faster and closer to the body, colliding and causing friction against the wobbler discs.
Looks like Blogger and Flash don't play well together (based on big white block). So if you want to listen to some spinner noise recorded by a hydrophone, you'll need to visit the Fish Creek Spinners Spinner Sound page
This Armadillo spinner should be in everyones tacklebox. It gets the attention of trout, bass, perch, crappie and every fish that notices and strikes at spinners.
Each spinner model has a unique blade and body configuration with it's own underwater sounds. Sounds get amplified and transmitted by underwater currents and aggressive fish take notice. Take a few minutes to listen and imagine.
That's my story, and I'm sticking with it, because it's the truth!
Step in and get your feet wet! Join the anglers choosing these spinners and the ever widening circle of new waters visited, cast by cast!