Fish Creek Spinner Zonker Spinnerbaits Fish Creek Spinners Armadillo Trout Spinners 1/8oz Propellor spinners Fish Creek Spinners large fishing spinners Fish Creek Spinners Metal Armadillos

Sunday, September 4, 2011

FishFrosty 38% discount online promotion code

I was reviewing this years sales volumes and noticed the Online sales are in position to set a new high water mark. I just need to do something to help influence a buying decision.

Armadillo Lineup

Sooo, to help raise the bar for online market presence and foster brand recognition, here's the deal.

FishFrosty is a shopping code worth a 38% discount. It's good on everything in the Fish Creek webstore from now thru 11/11/11. Oh well, time flys. That discount expired unused..

Stop by Fish Creek Spinners Web Store and checkout it's new format! You may find a discount code lurking around in a slideshow.

If you've been thinking about trying FCS or need to restock after the seasons action, this code saves you some bucks and puts some shiny stuff in your mailbox, tacklebox, and hopefully on your fishing line in your favorite waters.

All good things.

FishFrosty is the code to use during checkout, now through 11/11/11 (these spinners make great holiday gifts for your fishing friends too).

Here's a few screen shots; A typical Shopping cart (10 spinners @3.25 ea) - Entering the code during checkout  - The discount adjusted invoice (10 spinners @2.01 ea).

Cart before checkout
Promotion code entry during checkout - on the shipping address collection page
Be sure to enter the Promotion code 

Invoice adjusted for discount

We ship'em, you cast'em
We put'em in the mail, you put'em in the water!

Visit the FishFrosty webstore and enter the code during checkout to get adjusted prices.

It's a good deal, just sayin!


Unknown said...


Jerry Gonzalez said...

Yeah, I need spinner fishing accessories.