"We're from North Carolina and South Alabam, and little towns all around this Land."
Thank-you Hank - Country Boys can Survive - check it out, it's got a message.
Here's a few Google maps screen shots from the Fish Creek Spinners 'Get on the Map' page Customer view. They illustrate the Fish Creek Spinners presence around the globe by location or retail business.
As we expand, we add more icons. Google Maps segments when it's had enough additions to slow down it's interactive performance.
Because of this feature, we currently have 3 maps show progress over our history.
A World View - 1 of 3
A World View - 2 of 3
Stay tuned - more to come
I used two custom icons built with an Icon Editor. The green fish represents Online Sales.
The Brown display shows Retail locations selling Fish Creek Spinners.
Zooming in on North America - The US view 1
Even zoomed out, there's plenty of white space left. Pretty good Retail presence in the Central Mountain States though.
Here's the other two US views.
And this years additions
If you wanted to check to see if anyone else was fishing FCS in your area, you'd need to check each of the maps on the Get on the Map page, using zoom and positioning to find your spot.
If you're an online customer and don't see an icon on your location, it's my oversight. Let me know. I'd be happy to make a correction.
Noise on the Line!
Many thumbs-up!
Back at you Howard!
Hey, I just ordered some June Bug blades to play with. Some of each in for sizes.
Ever used them? Think they will be fun to figure out.
I haven't used them and I've had only a passing curiosity about them. I shall impatiently await your opinion on them!
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