Fish Creek Spinner Zonker Spinnerbaits Fish Creek Spinners Armadillo Trout Spinners 1/5oz Glass Armadillos Fish Creek Spinners large fishing spinners Fish Creek Spinners Walleye Rigs

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reduced price Trout assortments

Here's the first one. $21 value for $16 - even better if you use a discount code.

These 1/5oz Armadillo's are really sweet. The best new trout design this year. A big brother to the 1/8oz Glass Armadillo's these spinners are a step up in size on all components. Bigger beads, discs and blade add weight. Heavier wire provides added durabilty. Same color choices as the 1/8oz. My prediction is that these spinners will be next years MVP for sure.

Here's another Trout mix to consider.

This one has four 1/8oz Glass Armadillo MVP's from 2009 and 2010, plus a couple 1/10oz Small Armadillo's for good measure. $19.50 value for $14.50

Both Assortments reduced by $5.00. Use those discount codes!

Get some in your hands and it won't be long before your removing them from a fish lip! Here's a blog reader code worth 20% - Get-m-Wet

Nice deal to get some in your hands and in your favorite waters!

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