Fish Creek Spinner Zonker Spinnerbaits Fish Creek Spinners Armadillo Trout Spinners 1/5oz Glass Armadillos Fish Creek Spinners large fishing spinners Fish Creek Spinners Walleye Rigs

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fishing Symbiosis - color patterns

Symbiosis (from Ancient Greek sýn "with" and bíōsis "living") is close and often long-term interaction between different biological species.

Sounds like fishing to me! Long-term, try different things, evolve!

As time passes and fishing experiences accumulate, individual patterns are shaped by our fishing 'results'.

Favorite methods, brands, and colors surface after time spent fishing.

Let's not forget the roles that fish play in this symbiotic circle of performance!

Fellow Angler (and FCS customer) Jim Spurky put his thoughts on these subjects on paper. (It aint real, if you don't write it down!).

Here's his commentary on fishing spinner colors (my thoughts might follow). Thanks for writing this up Jim!

Spinner colors....a great debate in some circles, not so in others. Choice is in the mind of each fisherman or is it the fish?

As luck would have it, I spent last summer fishing and job hunting. As a result of the extra time on the water, I've been able to put alot of my theories to the test.

Most of my fishing is done in small streams in crystal clear waters and I have a small select choice of colorings. These seem to be the winning ticket 99% of the time,when I am out on the water.

I'm a tad set on certain spinner manufacturers due to their shades of color. Pather Martin for their blaze orange bladed spinner, and their purple/blue bladed one, the other choice is........what else Fish Creek spinners.

My favorite FCS is the gold spin blade with black body, next would be the gold swing blade with the red/orange body, and finally the black/gold bladed hotrod spinner.

For Panther Martin, the orange has been my goto spinner in stained water, it rarely fails me in these rough conditions. The purple seems to work great in late spring/early summer. My FCS seems to work all year, and believe you, me, they get a thrashing workout.

In my unoffical study, seems that trout (and fallfish) both LOVE black/gold, in most any conditions. The red/orange/gold works great on all other species. I seem to hit alot of rock bass, and smallies on this one.

The stream's shaded area seemed to be the areas where color and speed really seemed to matter.  Location, what is in the stream, flow, competition from other species, fishing pressure, and of course cover, are other variables I've bumped into, literally!

My favorite waters see alot of fishing pressure. These are where the black/gold seems to shine....just ask troutrageous (now T!) on his blog about our trip to Trout Run.

I believe other color combos work and have made many a fisherman happy. The colors I have listed are MY favorites, your's may differ, and to me thats cool. I believe in using whatever makes you happy and gets you your the naysayers on color, heck it is still a partially free country....ENJOY THE WATER!

Remember if you brought it in, PLEASE take it out with you!

Thanks Jim!

Here's my two cents and elaboration on Jim's color points.

Jim fishes cold clear water in Pennsylvania. I like to fish in Colorado, in similar water. Black and Gold reliably works for us both across the land. Black silhouettes against the surface in clear water. Always have a few.

Jim mentions Swing blades on all his choices. Let's talk Armadillo's first. The Swing blade rotates close to the spinners body. In the case of the Armadillo, the friction discs come into play. They collide with the blade during rotation and roll the glass beads.  Even though black, the many smooth glass facet surfaces reflect light as they roll. Noise and Reflection, Good!

I have excellent luck on Brown Trout with the Red and Orange. I've convinced myself it might be taken to look like a crayfish, but who knows what that trout thinks. In my experiences, I always keep them handy too.

That said, when water is warmer and stained, either by algae, tannic acid, or runoff, black and gold might not be the ticket. My observations are that fluorescents show up better in stained water. There isn't as much surface light in the background. Fluorescents seem to light up better in low light, fish need a target to strike.

Nitromites with fluorescent beads are killing crappies in Southern California in stained water, same in Missouri.

Water temps vary through the season and warmer water affects water clarity and fish behavior. Warm water colors will be different then cold water colors. Talking colors now, but each of Jim's variables mentioned above warrants examination and maybe a compensation.

Fishing Pressure. The fish are getting smarter, we keep letting them go!

Imagine yourself as your chosen species at the bottom of the pond; surviving larger predators by your wits. Lurking, hungry, bored. Reacting to external influences as they're encountered.

It's different for a fish these days. Education has improved. Back in the day, you made a mistake with a strike reaction, you ended up on the stringer of shame, SOOL. Your brothers might learn something, watching you expire tethered to the big thing, or seeing you disappear. It was over for you. Your learning days were over.

Fin'ata. lol.

Now days, you make a mistake, you're back in the water to reflect on your experience. Hindsight is 20-20. You start to form patterns on external influences and examine your strike behavior. You evolve.

Sooo, in high fishing pressured areas, fish are doing their pattern analysis too. If the same Panther Martin that I got a sore mouth from and couldn't eat for a few days, goes by again, and again, I'm not so interested anymore. Smarter through the experience, but more hungry. When Fish Creek Armadillo flashes by, blaring its walkman, Wham!

I'm a fish. I'm still gonna strike. It's my DNA!

No, wait!

I'm a man. I'm still gonna set hooks. It's my DNA!

Noise on the Line!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post! Thanks for sharing your tips guys.